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Install Motion Sensing Lights For The Elderly

This flexible, low-cost option is for people who frequently get up at night. Battery power makes it totally wireless and eliminates the need for a conveniently placed outlet. You can set wireless motion-sensing lights on the floor, bottom shelf of a bookcase, or any other surface that aims light in the desired direction. Some even have a stick-on feature to mount to the wall.

An invisible, cone-shaped infrared beam picks up motion from a wide range, so it’s easy to set off the light with natural movements such as getting out of bed, walking down the hall, or opening the bathroom door. The light remains on for a few minutes, and then it shuts back off to conserve battery power.

The perfect option for the bathroom or hallway, a plug-in motion-detecting nightlight doesn’t rely on batteries, so there’s no need to replace them. With long-lasting LEDs, bulb replacements are also few and far between.

The benefit of a motion sensor is that the light shuts off when it’s not needed, conserving power and avoiding the possibility of disrupting anyone’s sleep when used in the bedroom. A few minutes after climbing into bed, the light turns off and complete darkness returns.

Sometimes, seniors don’t remember to turn on the overhead light, or they feel they don’t need it. By automating so some lights come on – particularly in closets, stairwells, and hallways – you can help prevent slips and falls.

The easiest way to do this is with motion sensor light switches. These are available in several forms, including snap-on upgrades that fit seamlessly over your existing light switch covers. This allows for instant installation with no need to change out bulbs or modify the electrical wiring.

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